Strangers on a Train is my new favorite by the Master of Suspense. It is the second of two films he did with Farley Granger. It is one of his best. The music is Robert Walker plays Bruno Anthony a man hungry for Murder. Walker is one of the best and creepiest Hitchcock villains after Perkins of course. Walker is creepy during the tennis match when everyone turns their heads to watch the ball and his head is still. Also when he is stocking and killing Mariam.Here is the glasses scene on the left. And above that is the opening scene. Below it some man carries a cello case onto a train. Here is the script from the killing.
We see Bruno's gloved hands dart quickly to Miriam's throat.
The lighter falls down out of picture, and as Bruno's hands
grip her throat, his head moves slightly to blot out Miriam's
face. His head moves a bit farther until Miriam's face is
nearly uncovered at the other side of the screen, and we see
her glasses fall off.
Miriam's glasses hit the ground. The shadows of their
struggling figures over the shot.
The screen is filled with one of the lenses of the glasses.
They are of the diminishing type. Against the moonlit sky
we see reflected, the elongated struggling figures, as though
we were shooting up at them. Suddenly one of the figures
falls forward.
Miriam's head drops into the picture by the glasses.
Bruno's hand comes into the picture and picks up the glasses.
One of the lenses has been broken by Miriam's fall.