Friday, December 31, 2010
This is my rifle. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.
Last night I watched Stanley Kubrick's War classic Full Metal Jacket as part of Vietnam week. Seeing this movie for the first time. I liked this film because it shows you what life is like in the training camps. It was also a good anti war movie I liked when they sang the Micky Mouse theme. The music was also really good. Born on the forth of July is next.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
With joyous memories, we leave the mystical city of Da Nang! What gay adventure lies ahead? Brother, this trip is gonna make LSD feel like aspirin!

The things that were bad about this film were the fact that they were having a fire while it was raining. Also the fake VC dummies looked really bad when they were hit by the napalm. I am also getting sick of John Wanye's jokes,after awhile they become not funny. Another thing I did not like was that they killed off Sulu. It's not one of my favorite war films but it's ok.
Next is Kubrick's Classic Full Metal Jacket.
I can't promise you that I will bring you all home alive. But this I swear, before you and before Almighty God, that when we go into battle, I will be the first to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off, and I will leave no one behind. Dead or alive, we will all come home together. So help me, God.
Last night I watched We Were Soldiers as part of Vietnam week. It stars Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott who go into battle fighting in the Battle of Ia Drang the first major fight by the United States and the VC. I thought this was a good war film because it shows what effect the war had on both the American and North Veitnam home front. I also like that it shows the battle from both the American and VC side. It was very good war film.
Join us next time as we watch John Wayne in The Green Berets.
Join us next time as we watch John Wayne in The Green Berets.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
That's all right. I did. Hey, come on now. If you kick out the gooks, the next thing, you have to kick out the chinks, the spicks, the spooks and kikes. All that's gonna be left in here are a couple of brain-dead rednecks, and what fun would that be?

Next we will be watching We were Soldiers.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Almira Gulch, just because you own half the county doesn't mean that you have the power to run the rest of us. For twenty-three years, I've been dying to tell you what I thought of you! And now... well, being a Christian woman, I can't say it!

This is a classic film that will never grow old. Even after 71 years it is still watched by people all over the world.
Monday, December 6, 2010
You eat when we say you eat. You shit when we say you shit. You piss when we say you piss. You got that, you maggot dick motherfucker?
I watched Shawshank Redemption in my film class which Andy Dufresne a banker played by Tim Robbins is convicted of killing his wife and wife's lover. While in jail he meets Red(Morgan Freeman) and they become good friends. Then he gets protection from the guards by doing their taxes. Then he gets involved in money laundering with the Warden played by Bob Gunton. I noticed many similarities to The Great Escape. First Freeman's character plays a man who is able to get things for inmates, Much like James Garner who in the film is The Scrounger. Another one is how Andy is put into the infirmary which is much like the cooler that Steve McQueen is put into all the time both of them being the main character's of the film. At the beginning of both films the prisoners are lined up in a row. In both movies Robbins and Donald Pleasence forge fake papers for when they get out of prison. In several scenes Freeman is holding a baseball glove which also McQueen uses a lot. Then he hides the hole just like in The Great Escape. Then to get rid of the rock he empties it out of his pants just like The Great Escape.
I enjoyed this film very much and was sad to learn that it was robbed best picture by Forest Gump and that Freeman was robbed best actor by Tom Hanks.
I enjoyed this film very much and was sad to learn that it was robbed best picture by Forest Gump and that Freeman was robbed best actor by Tom Hanks.
If the United States falls under attack our job is to defend her in the past, present and future.
I thought that Back to the finial countdown was a good film. It stars Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen who are traveling on an aircraft carrier when it hits a large Storm and is sent back to December 6, 1941. Soon Japanese planes are spotted and they find out they have been sent back in time one day before the Attack on Pearl Harbor. They sent fighters out to attack but when they are close to attacking the planes but the storm reappears and they are called back making it to the 80's just in time. This was a very entertaining film.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
If you could make God bleed, people would cease to believe in him, there will be blood in the water, the sharks will come. All I have to do is sit back and watch as the world consumes you.
Iron Man 2, the sequel to Iron Man which were both directed by Jon Favreau,star Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man where he has to battle a new enemy named Ivan Vanko(Mickey Rourke) a Russian who claims that Stark stole his father's ideas. So he goes off to battle Stark and get his revenge. Meanwhile back home, the government and military including a senator played by Garry Shandling and also Lt. Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes played by Don Cheadle want Stark to share his power with the military. But Tony refuses.
The movie also stars Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and Scarlett Johansson, who must help Tony learn about his past. I like this movie first off, because of the wonderful soundtrack by AC/DC which features many of there classic songs such as Highway to Hell, Shoot to Thrill and If you want Blood. I also enjoyed the fight scenes. The robots are very cool as well.
This is one my favorite films of 2010.
The movie also stars Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and Scarlett Johansson, who must help Tony learn about his past. I like this movie first off, because of the wonderful soundtrack by AC/DC which features many of there classic songs such as Highway to Hell, Shoot to Thrill and If you want Blood. I also enjoyed the fight scenes. The robots are very cool as well.
This is one my favorite films of 2010.
Monday, November 29, 2010
remembering Leslie, Irving and Blake.
In these past few weeks we lost not one but three Hollywood icons.
Leslie Nielsen, who is most known for his comedies such as Airplane and Naked Gun died today at the age of 84. Nielsen is also known for his roles in Forbidden Planet and as Captain Harrison of the SS Poseidon. Here is a quote from The TV show Police Squad."We're sorry to bother you at such a time like this, Mrs. Twice. We would have come earlier, but your husband wasn't dead then." Thanks for making me laugh.
The second death was director Irving Kershner who directed what most considered to be the best Star Wars film of the trilogy The Empire Strikes Back. Which has one of film's most well known lines. He also directed the unofficial Bond film Never Say Never Again.
He will be missed.
I have also just learned of the death of another Hollywood director Blake Edwards. Edwards is most known for directing Breakfast at Tiffany's and the Pink Panther series with Peter Sellers. I have only seen two of his films, Pink Panther and A Shot in the Dark. A Shot in the Dark in my opinion, was the best film in the series. Some of his other films include Operation Petticoat and The Great Race both which star the late great Tony Curtis.
We have already lost so many movie icons this year. Now we've lost three more. :(
Friday, November 26, 2010
You must work out alot.
I just got done watching Hands of Steel aka Atomic Cyborg an 80's action flick about a Cyborg named Paco who is forced to kill by his master Enter the Dragon's John Saxon. But when he fails Saxon and the FBI both chase him to his home state of Arizona. There he meets a motel owner and falls in love only to be harassed by a group of truckers. Raoul Morales the main trucker is also a really good arm wrestler until Paco defeats him and later the arm Wrestling champ Anatola Blanco. After some crushed heads and broken skulls he faces Saxon and pulls out his heart. I was waiting though out the whole film to see Saxon show off some of his Karate moves but sadly he did not fight. This movie is good for some laughs.
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
Last night for the first time I watched the Brian De Palma classic Scarface starring Al Pacino as a Cuban who starts out small and grows big in Miami. The film is dedicated Howard Hawks and Ben Hechet's 1932 Scarface. I thought the film was a little far fetched when he's able to put all that Coke into him and live. Their was barely one line in the film where he did not say Fuck. It is one of the most violent films I have seen. The movie was written by director Oliver Stone who made such films as Platoon and Wall Street. I prefer Untouchables but this is a classic as well.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Yes. And it will break away, acting as a safety valve of immense proportion. Twenty-thousand square miles of the Eearth's surface thrown out into space
Scientist Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the energy of the Earth's interior by setting off a nuclear bomb deep within the Earth. But it goes wrong and starts causing large earthquakes all over the area. It's nothing special just another crappy low budget 60's science fiction film. I'd watch When Worlds Collide over this.
But as a Northerner, you make me vomit.
A few days ago I watched the civil war movie Kill them all and come back alone. It stars Chuck Conners who betrays a gang seven men while killing dozens of Union troops. The movie had some good fights such as the one in the bar. But the acting was not very good. Bogard kicked ass in this film when he hits a guy with a door.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
You know what I think? I think that we're all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other, and for all of it, we never budge an inch.
I finally after all these years watched Alfred Hicthcock's classic Psycho starring Anthony Perkins as Norman bates. A women named Marion Crane steals money from her boss then buys a car and drives far away from Phoenix to go and marry her partner Sam. But by nightfall she becomes tired and stops at a place called the Bates. Where she's greeted by Norman Bates(Anthony Perkins). Then after he invites her to have dinner with him. Then he goes back to his home behind the motel to tell his mother he's tells him no in a loud voice which starts an augment between the two which Marion here's from the open window in her room. Then he comes down and they eat.Afterwords she goes back to her room to take a shower. You can probably guess what happens next. This is a film has one of the most well kown scores in film history which is composed and conducted by the great Bernard Herrmann. "33% of the effect of Psycho was due to the music." said Hicthcock.
Monday, November 8, 2010
My Top Ten fights in the Movies.
1. Enter the Dragon
Bruce Lee vs Shih Kien
This fight is the best because it has Bruce Lee who fights Shih Kien and his metal claw. The mirror scene is also really good. I also like really long fights.
2. Wheels on Meals
Jackie Chan vs Benny Urquidez
When the greatest movie stuntman Jackie Chan and one of the world's greatest kick boxers Benny Urquidez fight you know you're in for a treat.
3. Fist of Legend
Jet Li vs Billy Chow.
Fist of Legend is one of my favorites not only because it has Jet Li. But because Li can get the crap beaten out of him and still come back to beat Chow to death by whipping him with his belt and then slitting his throat with the same sword he tried to kill him and his partner with.
4. Fist of Fury
Bruce Lee vs Robert Baker
You know that when Bruce Lee fights it going to be good. In this fight he battles martial artist Robert Baker who puts up a good fight but is no match for Bruce Lee.
5. Magnificent Butcher
Sammo Hung vs Lee Hoi San
What would this list be without Sammo Hung's final fight in the Magnificent Butcher. I love the fights in this movie watch it and you will see why.
6. You Only live Twice
Sean Connery vs Ronald Rich
Lets us not forget the epic fight between James Bond and Blofeld's henchman Hans which ends up with Bond dumping Hans into a pool of piranhas. Bonds fights are always good but this one along with the fight against Robert Shaw in From Russia With Love would have to be my two favorite Bond fights.
7. They Live
Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Keith David
They Live is a great movie and this fight is one of the reasons why because it is a very long fight and it has Hot Rod the professional wrestler and actor Keith David fighting over a pair of glasses. This one my personal favorites.
8.The Matrix
Keanu Reeves vs Hugo Weaving
The subway scene is great with it's slow motion shooting and also Weaving smashing through walls. Then the train comes and smashes into Weaving after he's punched Reeves though a wall.I also loved the part were they sped up Weaving when he's punching Reeves.
Bill Weston vs Andreas Wisniewski
This is my tenth favorite fight it is epic because Weston who plays Green 4 puts up a good fight against yet another blond henchman. Green 4walks in with a tray of tea when seeing the body he drops the tray, tries to report to base but is kicked by Andreas and then flipped over dropping his gun. He blocks a punch then hits Andreas in the back. After that he punches Andreas in the stomach and face.Then after a struggle Green 4 is almost cut with an electric knife by Andreas but he unplugs it. Later he throws flower into Andreas eyes and hits him after getting his face pushed down onto a hot grill. He pushes Andreas away who burns his hand on the grill. Then Green 4 doges a pot of boiling water but then G4 is hit in the stomach and kicked in the face. Sadly he loses and is knocked out with a frying pan. then Andres says one of films greatest lines.
Bruce Lee vs Shih Kien
This fight is the best because it has Bruce Lee who fights Shih Kien and his metal claw. The mirror scene is also really good. I also like really long fights.
2. Wheels on Meals
Jackie Chan vs Benny Urquidez
When the greatest movie stuntman Jackie Chan and one of the world's greatest kick boxers Benny Urquidez fight you know you're in for a treat.
3. Fist of Legend
Jet Li vs Billy Chow.
Fist of Legend is one of my favorites not only because it has Jet Li. But because Li can get the crap beaten out of him and still come back to beat Chow to death by whipping him with his belt and then slitting his throat with the same sword he tried to kill him and his partner with.
4. Fist of Fury
Bruce Lee vs Robert Baker
You know that when Bruce Lee fights it going to be good. In this fight he battles martial artist Robert Baker who puts up a good fight but is no match for Bruce Lee.
5. Magnificent Butcher
Sammo Hung vs Lee Hoi San
What would this list be without Sammo Hung's final fight in the Magnificent Butcher. I love the fights in this movie watch it and you will see why.
6. You Only live Twice
Sean Connery vs Ronald Rich
Lets us not forget the epic fight between James Bond and Blofeld's henchman Hans which ends up with Bond dumping Hans into a pool of piranhas. Bonds fights are always good but this one along with the fight against Robert Shaw in From Russia With Love would have to be my two favorite Bond fights.
7. They Live
Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Keith David
They Live is a great movie and this fight is one of the reasons why because it is a very long fight and it has Hot Rod the professional wrestler and actor Keith David fighting over a pair of glasses. This one my personal favorites.
8.The Matrix
Keanu Reeves vs Hugo Weaving
The subway scene is great with it's slow motion shooting and also Weaving smashing through walls. Then the train comes and smashes into Weaving after he's punched Reeves though a wall.I also loved the part were they sped up Weaving when he's punching Reeves.
9. The Big County
Gregory Peck vs Charlton Heston
This fight is great because it has two of the screens greatest actors Gregory Peck and Charlton Heston fighting hand to hand combat in the classic film the Big Country. When one man is on the ground he gets back up and keeps right on fighting. It was Pecks way of saying goodbye.
10. The Living Daylights
Bill Weston vs Andreas Wisniewski
This is my tenth favorite fight it is epic because Weston who plays Green 4 puts up a good fight against yet another blond henchman. Green 4walks in with a tray of tea when seeing the body he drops the tray, tries to report to base but is kicked by Andreas and then flipped over dropping his gun. He blocks a punch then hits Andreas in the back. After that he punches Andreas in the stomach and face.Then after a struggle Green 4 is almost cut with an electric knife by Andreas but he unplugs it. Later he throws flower into Andreas eyes and hits him after getting his face pushed down onto a hot grill. He pushes Andreas away who burns his hand on the grill. Then Green 4 doges a pot of boiling water but then G4 is hit in the stomach and kicked in the face. Sadly he loses and is knocked out with a frying pan. then Andres says one of films greatest lines.
Green Four to base. We have gas leaks in main building. Some personnel overcome. Evacuate. Send for emergency medicalservices.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mr. Cobb has a job offer he'd like to discuss with you.
Last night I had a dream that I was at the Riverveiw watching a movie called Inception and that it starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page and also the great, super awesome, really cool Micheal Caine . My favorite thing about this film is that it stars Michael Caine who plays Prof. Stephen Miles. Cobb's mentor, father-in-law and Ariadne's college professor who recommends her to the team. In my opinion the line up top is one of the best lines in the movie because it is said by Michael Caine. Without Caine this movie would have not been as good. Even though his role is minor it is still the best performance in the movie. This picture from the film has Micheal Caine in it and is 100% good. If it just had Leo and no Caine it would only be 50% good. Micheal makes any movie he's in shine.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Well, nobody's perfect!
I recently watched Some Like It Hot in memory of the late great Tony Curtis.It is about him and Jack Lemon who play two musicians trying to escape a group of gangsters. So they dress as women and join an all female band. One of members of band is Marylin Monroe who both men are trying get while also trying to keep there Disguise.Then when they are seen by the gangsters the real fun begins. This is a great comedy. One of my top ten favorites. Curtis will be missed.
The Americans are fools. I offered my services, they refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.

I recently finished reading the book Dr.No, so I decided to watch the movie. It is the first movie in the Bond franchise and it stars Sean Connery who In my opinion is the best of the 6 Bonds. A fellow agent and his secretary have been murdered in Kingston,Jamaica and Bond is sent to investigate. What he uncovers after surviving several attempts on his life is a plot to destroy the U.S. space program by Dr. No. On top is Joseph Wiseman as Dr. No. Below him is Jack Lord as Felix Leiter and Sean Connery as James Bond. On the right is Ursula Andres as Honeychile Ryder. and on the bottom are the three bind mice, portrayed by Eric Coverly, Charles Edghill and
Henry Lopez.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A drunk kid and a crazy old man.
War Wagon has to be one of my favorite westerns with John Wanye and Kirk Douglas as they steal gold from Good old Bruce Cabot the head of Pierce mining co . Bruce Cabot is the only actor to have battled James Bond,The Duke and King Kong. Cabot and Wanye were also good friends so Cabot starred in most of Wanye's westerns from The Comancheros to McLintock to Chisum and also Big Jake. It also has a great score by Dimitri Tiomkin. Hear is the original trailer.
I give ya warning, you step foot in Blanco Canyon once more and this country goin' to run red with blood until there ain't one of us left!

I haven't seen The Big Country in a long time. And I'd have to say I enjoyed it very much.The first thing I like about this film is it's dramatic musical score by Jeromre Moross which was nominated for an Oscar but lost to The old man and the sea by Dimirti Tiomkin. It also has many great actors who perform brilliantly such as Gregory Peck,Charlton Heston,Jean Simmons,Carroll Baker,Charles Bickford and Burl Ives for which he won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor which he well deserved. This was one of the few times the Academy used it's head. The Big Country is a timeless classic and a must see for all movie lovers.
My 'fellow man' is about to hang me!
Breakheart Pass was another movie I watched where the book had been written by Alistair MacLean. It is about a train loaded with troops that is heading for the garrison at the Fort Humboldt Army outpost where are supposedly suffering from a bad illness. Some of passenger's on the train include a police officer and his prisoner, John Deakin played by Charles Bronson. The Governor of the territory Governor Fairchild (AKA) Richard Crenna (AKA) Col. Trautman. Many bad things happen on the train such as death of the Reverend who along with Deakin are really undercover agents trying to stop a conspiracy between The governor the police officer a group of Indians and some outlaws at the fort. It has great action and suspense all thanks to MacLean. Let us not forget the score performed by the great Jerry Goldsmith.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Do me a favor, will you? Next time you have one of these things, keep it an all-British operation.

Aw they're giving me goose pimples on top of my goose pimples.
I watched the 1940 comedy/horror film The Mummy's Hand where two archaeologists discover an old vase in a market in Cairo which then leads them on a trip to find an old tomb out in the desert. then strange things began to happen such as all the workers getting scared and running away. Then two of the men are found dead and they soon find out that a mummy controlled by an evil high priest are trying to make sure they don't leave. This is probably were Charles Lamont got the Idea for Abbot and Costello Meet the mummy which came out 15 years later in 1955. Cowboy star Tom Tyler was a good mummy in this film but he would soon be replaced by Lon Chaney Jr. I still want to see the original Mummy. Luckily there is no Brandon Fraizer which is really really good because the new mummy movies were not that good.
Friday, October 8, 2010
All right, you proved your point. You broke into my vault. Congratulations, you're a dead man.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Arthur Menke Curtis. Salute to the 3. To the editor.To the director and To the actor.
![]() |

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Did you think that was fun? Because trust me you won't have that much fun until you discover oral pleasure.
He's gonna sing, folks. Now's the time to go out and get the popcorn.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.

last week I watched the Dark Knight With Christian Bale as Batman where along with the help of Harvey Dent played by Aaron Eckhart and James Gordon played by Gary Oldman they must ride Gotham city of all criminals. They manage to get all but one The sick and crazed Joker played by Heath Leger. Micheal Cane and Morgan Freeman are both reasons this film is good. Leger beats out Nicholson,Romero and Hamill who played joker in the animated t.v show. He is by far the best Joker ever. Here is Cane's line as Alfred.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they are quite good the only good thing in this overrated peace of junk.
Last week I watched The 1997 James Cameron Titanic. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a poor 3rd class passenger who falls in love with Kate Winslet a rich 1st class passenger. The film is too long they should have shaved 30 or 40 minutes off that would have made it much better. I thought the sinking was cool. Join us next time for Titanic 2 the sequel Jack comes back.

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